Compare Home Contents Insurance Quotes in Ireland
Compare content insurance quotes from Ireland’s leading brands to protect your treasured possessions.

What Is Home Contents Insurance?
Whether you own or are renting your home, you need sufficient protection for your personal possessions. Home contents insurance covers personal belongings from the likes of electrical or fire damage, flooding, vandalism and theft. House contents insurance covers personal belongings such as jewellery, clothing, furniture, and electronics among others.
What Is Covered
In Contents Insurance?
Home contents insurance generally covers possessions and personal items that you would take with you if you were moving house. House contents insurance covers household goods such as furniture, carpets, household appliances, TVs, radios and ornaments. It also covers personal effects such as cloths, sports equipment, jewellery & watches etc.

Home Contents Insurance Cover Types
The two broad categories for contents insurance policies are:
New for Old
New for Old Contents Insurance does exactly that – it will pay you the full cost of your possessions at their original price or replace them, regardless of how old they were when they were stolen or damaged.
Indemnity cover will only cover the cost of your possessions at their current age & state. This means you will only receive a percentage of their original price. Indemnity insurance can be cheaper to take out but if you need to make a claim, this can leave you out of pocket if your personal items are old or if you making a large claim.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need contents insurance?
It’s a good idea to take out home contents insurance to cover your personal belongings against theft, fire, accidental damage and other risks. If something happens to damage or destroy your possessions , it can cost a lot of money to replace these items.
Does Contents Insurance cover lost jewellery?
Generally yes, contents insurance does cover lost jewellery however expensive jewellery items would need to be listed specifically on your policy, and you may need to provide a certificate stating it’s value.
Are laptops covered by home insurance?
Yes, expensive electronic items such as laptops & tablets are covered by contents insurance.
Does contents insurance cover theft outside the home?
This depends on the type of policy you have. Often, contents insurance for theft outside the home is an add-on to your policy.